What We Offer
It’s right there in our name. Merriam Webster says that hope implies little certainty but suggests confidence or assurance in the possibility that what one desires or longs for will happen. Often when we have painful experiences, we can lose our confidence that anything will ever change or get better. Our desire for you is to have your experience with us to be filled with hope, even when it feels well beyond your grasp. We want your experience to be a study of your unique story of hope when the world around you feels unrelenting. Until you feel able to hope for yourself, we would be honored to hope for you.
Christian Perspective
Everyone has a lens through which they view the world. Hopeology’s worldview and approach to counseling are informed by the Bible and what it says about God and humans, sin and grace, suffering and healing. Although we use the Bible as the source of truth when interpreting and interacting with the world, persons from all (or no) religious backgrounds are welcome at Hopeology Wellness and respected in their beliefs. We recognize there are times when our faith has been used to manipulate, abuse, ostracize, demean, and hurt. If this has been your experience of Christianity, it is our hope that we can offer you a different, kinder, gentler, corrective experience at Hopeology Wellness.
Emotional Attunement
We believe everyone has their own experience, their own story to tell. We want you to feel seen, heard, understood, validated, cared for, and celebrated from the beginning of your time with us to the end. When this happens, you will begin to feel safe and connected which we believe are imperative for you to experience healing and growth.
It is often difficult for us to make connections with the behaviors we are experiencing to what we are feeling & believing to where those feelings & beliefs began. As we enter your story alongside you, Hopeology counselors are uniquely equipped to help you make the necessary connections for healing and growth to begin.
Trauma Informed Care
Trauma happens when a painful or distressing event moves us beyond our ability to cope or manage our emotions and we can’t make sense of what happened. Traumatic events can be difficult to define because the same event may feel more traumatic for some people than for others. At Hopeology, we believe we were created for Eden and anything less leaves us holding pain, loss, wounds, and trauma in our stories in various ways. Our goal is to help you process the painful, traumatic stories you hold within your body, your mind, your emotions, your relationships, and your spirit so that you can begin to experience and tell a different, more hopeful story.
Contact Information
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1640 Powers Ferry Road
Building 20, Suite 100
Marietta, GA 30067